Sefton League

League day at Sefton Golf Course! First group for Tee Times will be at 2pm. Round will take roughly 2hr 15min. All players must be at the course 15mins before their tee time. Registration will close 10am Saturday morning. Any cancellations must be notified by 12pm Saturday.

Parking is available onsite and we will be meeting right next to the carpark. We’ll be using UDisc for scoring.

Registration will close 10am Saturday, and tee times will be released.
Entry Fee: $10
Name: Wizdisc Inc
BSB: 012 295
Acc No: 1711 20752
Ref: “Sefton [your name]”
We also accept cash payment on the day if you prefer.

Please complete the following form if you want to play. Any questions please email